Art2Be Project
Born in DR Congo in 1964, Xavier Verhoest studied film editing in Belgium.
In 2006, Xavier Verhoest co-founds Art2Be, an organization using art and expression for positive living and social changes using alternative tools of expression mainly relying on memory works with the use of paintings, photos, films and books.
Selection of Art2Be projects
2006 ‘Our Stories,Our Bodies',
People living with HIV/AIDS Kenya with GIZ
2008 ‘Burning ‘,
Working with the LGBTI community Kenya with GIZ
2010 ‘Living with HIV as a migrant’,
With the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp Belgium
2011 Nairobi Women Hospital,
Training health professional in using Art-Resilience with GIZ
2012 ‘Stronger ‘,
Project with cancer survivors at the University of Kentucky USA
2013 ‘Who I Am, Who We Are’(see link films below)
An art project around Kenyan identity (with Wambui Kamiru)
2016 ‘Garissa, on being a Kenyan’
Life & Peace Institute Kenya
2018 ‘We Are’,
Galkayo and Kismayo, with UNHabitat and UNFPA
2016 ‘Art for Social Change in Mogadishu, stories from within’
with CISP Somalia ( see links film below)
2020 'Resisting to Violent Extremism' s research project in Mombasa
with the University of Leeds and Mombasa
The following films engages on the various use of Body Mapping facilitated by Art2be Kenya touching on Violent Extremism, Inclusion, HIV, Identity and belonging.